Monday, July 21, 2008

brief explanation of myself

i just realize something about myself. i can't be trusted or keep secrets... i've changed.

well i said something to a friend of mine and yeah there was a wee bit confidence when i said it to her. i'm here to say that it's a false statement, yes dear it's nothing real. it's just another rumor. now i simply hate to be in with the crowd and listen to any gossip or stories they're stirring up at the moment. i'm easily excited so as my adrenaline pumped, i intend to get all fired up creating a disaster for myself. so here's something you people ought to know:

"Share no private secrets with me & don't trust me to keep them."

yes i rather share this fact with the world than to let others know it by me doing it to them. i apologize to those who i misuse their trust. sorry... right i'm done with this so case close. please do not come up to me and speak about this matter as i have no interest to elaborate or explain myself on this. i've messed up in this...