Sunday, January 4, 2009

Embracing 2009 :)

it's January already meaning it's a new year :D and new year concludes to resolutions!!!! so mine for 2009 would be:

  • Get into SMSA (i do hope so, AMIN!!!)
  • Meet new people and to be friends with them
  • Be a bit more socialize
  • Try to not fall in love
  • Learn new 5 languages (hope i actually master one :D)
  • Add more clothes to my wardrobe xD (colorful ones please)
  • Read and perfect my Al-Quran reading
  • Memorize down some Surahs
  • Try to have more pets than now
  • Travel more
  • More into keeping money than spending it :P
  • Study hard as I'm determined in becoming a lawyer
  • Lessen my daily usage of the net
  • Maintain the friendly, bubbly and optimistic me
  • Maintain my good health (that is NEEDED)
that's so far what i could list for my 2009's resolutions ^^ oh yeah, about my new year night. it was radical and totally fun :D i enjoyed the whole night completely with my cousins and got to see a lot of firework displays (regardless the ones my uncle bought which didn't last long and the neighbor's covered up for the disappointment). also we weren't just celebrating new year, it was our lil cousin, Efa's birthday as well :D she turned 4 that night! and guess what? on 1st January 2009, there's a new addition to the family. Efa's mum (my Usu) gave birth to her second child which is a baby boy! he was all red but cute really ^^ oh yeah here's some pictures taken during the new year night :)

from left to right: Qilah (my cousin), me & Fatin (my sister)

Efa, excited to blow out her candles ^^

Make a wish little cousin~

I understand that he's happily kicking a ball...

...But what is up with him kicking a coconut O.o

Abg Adi (my brother), Fatin, Me, Liyana (in white), Qilah (next to me) & Tikah (my sister in turqoise)

from left to right: Abg Pol (crazy look), Udin, Abg Malek, Daniel & Aiman

One of the firework display (sadly it didn't last long but it's quite big actually)

lol i can't believe i'm doing this post on the first day of school as it reopens today xD and yes, i'm a few days late with the title there :P also with this: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HOPE 2009 BE A GREAT YEAR TO YOU GUYS!!!!