Saturday, January 17, 2009

Usu & Uncle Hadi's departure :D

yesterday my Usu and Uncle Hadi went on a flight respectively back to Scotland and Jordan. my sister as always reminds Usu Mirul to buy her a Pompey jersey and unexpectedly, she asked for a Pompey bag as well x) not sure if he's gonna buy the bag but the jersey is a certain.
everyone was there at the airport even Amit Nuar O.O he's a rarity when it comes to appearing at occasions xD there were a lot of crowd at the airport and most of them seemed like they were OMO-ing (orang meliat orang) and thank god with Ryyan around to play with, my agoraphobia didn't turn up :) oh yeah, my cousin Qibah had her 17th birthday yesterday :D she had an amazing day she said which is good enough for me to know ^^ i always love it when people say they have a great day on their special day, dunno why but i just like it (: it's kinda nice to see that she turned 17 on the 17th January, the age and the day matches xD i love conspiracy at times~~ oh yeah, Iman went emotional when he saw his dad and Usu went leaving him as the passengers of their plane was called upon. i actually cried along with Iman, i mean the sadness was intense! hey it beats any drama and it's easy to cry along with him since he's only 3 years old :P i'm gonna miss my Usu a lot since he's fun to have around with :) anyway i'll be posting pictures regarding that day later on as i haven't transfer it to my laptop :D