Sunday, December 7, 2008

what pissed me off

a friend of mine send me a link regarding the life style and habits of typical Bruneians. it was funny all over but what pissed me off was the translation of Darussalam. surely they find it hilarious to change Abode of Peace into Abode of Piss. seriously, i find that NOT amusing at all. whoever write those facts might be some douche of an asshole who seriously has nothing better to do than to bitch around and making nasty comments about the people around them. either it's an effect from them being social outcasts or they seriously think their way cooler that anyone, had them wasting hours upon hours to think up all those 'typical' things on Bruneians. i have to admit 92.5% (yes i just come to that much) of the facts are agreeable but some of it are just exaggerating and obviously an attempt of trying to be funny (which failed). without them realizing what they have written, they have successfully show how most Bruneians operate:

1) having a work without doing much of it with big salary
2)when one just got promoted or got into a higher position, the others around them starts hating and try anything possible to crush them down just because the others find it 'unfair'.

call me narrow-minded if you want but i seriously find it offensive and it actually made me sympathize on how our country runs. i love my country whole-heartedly and i laugh at all the things others find stereotyped but to actually state them online and guiltlessly insulting the very land you're living in, that's disgusting. it's even surprising how you were given citizenship here regarding how you LOVE this country. (realize the sarcasm in the word 'love' to make sense) anyway, that's my view.